HOW IS THIS SUMMER ALMOST OVER???? It's been an action packed and amazing one that's for sure. I just returned from a short stay in lovely Southern California. Should I mention that I plan on living in Malibu some day? Alright, maybe that dream is a bit of a stretch, but I would love to make my way to SoCal at some point. I'm sure the fact that it's so different from where I grew up makes it seem more awesome, but really, it's warm all year, there are palm trees, beaches, and civilization. I'M THERE.
Anyways, the Ullrich family was nice enough to let me invade their lives for a week in Simi Valley, about 30 minutes north of LA. Of course, I use 30 minutes loosely since traffic all around Los Angeles is insane, but you get the point. I finally got to meet Brock, which has been a two year long struggle. It's difficult to look at pictures of him all the time but be too far away to pet him. Dream fulfilled. Stop looking at me like that. MY LIFE IS NOT PATHETIC. Even though Kat and I claim to be really boring people....and let's face it, we are, we still had a nonstop week. It's been years since I've been in that area, and honestly I don't remember it too clearly, so I loved getting to go back. I returned to mah roots at Angels Stadium yeahhh. Sure my home team was chillin back in the east, but I pretended to be a temp Angels fan for the day. That doesn't extend past a day. Don't get any ideas. But games are lame if you aren't rooting for someone. We also hiked all over the SV and even made our way to Malibu (my future home). We are the most active people alive. Don't be too intimidated. One day we even woke up at 5:45 to hike 6-8 miles. We aren't actually sure how many miles it was, but I'm gonna guesstimate somewhere around 105. Olympic athletes? But seriously, I had a great time eating delicious food and chilling by the Pacific. The Ullrichs were crazy generous to me and made meh feel supes welcome. Thanks, y'all. Kat was a decent host I guess. Jokes, I didn't really have to make any decisions until the last day, and that one decision was enough to make me collapse on the kitchen counter. My favorite part may or may not have been all the food I consumed. It lived up to the hype. The Pacif Ocean was decent as well. JOKES IT WAS GREAT. Caught myself a wave. Sat on the beach. Got sunburnt. I'm basically a Californian. ha. Maybe someday. Peace out East Coast. I'm only slightly obsessed with California. I get why people from California freak out about it all the time. I would too. Ok, this is becoming a mess.
Time to wrap it up. Who knows how much more I will update this before Denmark, but I'll be sure to blog on the regz when my life gets a little more exciting than the GC and facebook. Although are sunset castle picnics really more interesting? oh wait, yes they are. On a sad note I had to bid farewell to Brys today, which is always not fun, BUT she should be collecting her pennies to spend Thanksgiving at Legoland con mi. RIGHT!? seriously, there's probably a penny on the sidewalk right now. GO GET IT. Miss ya already.
excuse the awkwardness, but I need to prove I went on Jurassic Park |
90834598203495043295 mile hike. casually standing 100 feet from each other. |
Malibu |
Point Dume |
beach wedding! Obsessed. |
so pleased to be in my presence |
mi favorito |
Alright, I'm going to walk amongst the nature with mi madre since it's actually not oppressively humid today. Enjoy your summers!
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