Como, it's really over now. I'm sitting in the Miami airport, so I'm offish sad. Guatemala is the best. America is not. Just kidding, but not really. It is so strange being back, even though technically I'm not all the way home. I think my biggest culture shock so far actually came when I was able to order food in English. Como, what? But seriously, it's weird having most people actually speak English. I miss Spanish. I'm basically just sulking. In reality, I'm so crazy thankful that I got to stay in Guate for a month, but it's hard not to be sad it's over. I'm now just annoyingly bursting to talk about it. I'm so pathetic. Someone asked me my favorite part of it all when I was on the plane, and I just burst out, EVERYTHING!!! It's true though. Best four weeks of mi vida.
Ok, so starting at the beginning, I woke up bright and early at 3:55 AM for my 4:30 departure con Ann. We were weirdly on the same flight, so I didn't have to say goodbye just yet. Como, yay! I'm gonna miss that girl so much. Kat was a nice esposa and woke up to say goodbye, which was sad, it was a super fun five weeks, yo. But we'll be reunited in three weeks, so está bien. Although apparently I missed out on a really romantic weekend. Shame.
Anyways, Ann and I were rolling through a ghost town at 4:30 AM, but the aeropuerto was surprisingly busy. It was really nice having her there to make general traveling and customs less stressful. Plus, Ann is just the best. We chilled at our gate and just chatted until miss fancy pants first class left me with the other lowly coach dwellers. Just kidding, there's a serious story behind her first class ticket. The actual flight was super smooth. I ate cookies. Exciting, right?
Customs took about a year and a half since the USA is probably the most paranoid, strict country ever. I suppose we defz have reasons to be, but it's just funny since I strolled right into Guatemala, no probs. I could have had a bag full of guns and I would have gotten in. I was quickly reminded that Americans aren't nearly as welcoming and nice as Guatemalans. No hugs here. Ann and I spent our time waiting in line to be readmitted into the country hating on our own culture. Welcome home.
We had to part ways at our gates, which was super not happy, but I for reals plan on CCS reunions, so it's not forever. Está bien.
I spent my layover eating. Surprise. Since I've lived off of beans, rice, tortillas, and hot sauce for a month, I was nervous about going hardcore with American food and then getting on a plane again. I stuck with fries and a frappaccino. God I'm so healthy. DIABETES. Now here I am, somewhere over the East Coast en route to the homeland. muy weird.
Crazy kinda story. Some woman on my flight is named Maria Del Carmen AKA MY FAV MUJER ANCIANA! I wanted to cry. P.S. I did cry on my last day at placement. I had to hold in my sobs. Probably one of the hardest things I've ever done was leaving those lovely ladies, especially when some of them started crying. Leaving friends, both young and old was so very difficult. But I'm thankful, beyond thankful, that I got to be a part of their lives and they got to be a part of mine. I'll be thinking of them all Monday at 8:30 AM. If only I had faith in the newbs.
Oh hey, reading the Spanish magazine on the plane. Infinitely easier than trying to read it on June 2nd. Look who's a Spanish GENIUS. Jokes, being back in the homeland already makes me feel dumber. So basically I'm going to buy libros en español and miro soap operas on the regz. Hold me to that, por favor.
The best cook and most awesome person I know |
I love this group of people |
Our last day! muy triste |
Julieta! She folds blankets like a boss. But really. |
Juan Carlos y yo. so much swag. |
Kiki! ella es muy linda! |